How to Install Application via PC

For anybody doesn’t have unlimited data plan, or maybe having slow internet connection, downloading little big application is a patience tester. Moreover if the application needs WiFi because it’s very large, and there is no WiFi in your home. Actually you can create a virtual hotspot using your notebook, but this not to be discussed now 🙂

Windows Phone allows you to install application using your PC, here are the steps:

  1. Download the XAP file from Windows Phone Store by clicking ‘download and install manually’ in the application page.
  2. Transfer the XAP file to your SD card. (sorry if your phone doesn’t support card, I think it can’t be done)
  3. Open Store, there will be new option called ‘SD card’, tap on it.
  4. Your phone will start the install procedure. Note that internet connection is still needed, I think to verify the package.
  5. Once completed, you can launch the application like usual.

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